Monday, April 6, 2009



I say a simple 'salaam' to someone (instead of 'hi'),
I'm rewarded!

1. I smile at some one, I'm rewarded!

2. I say, 'sallallahualyhiwas salum' every time I hear the name
of our Prophet, I'm rewarded ten times for each one time!

3. I pray in masjid with jama (group), I'm 27 times rewarded.

4. I do wadu at home & walk towards Masjid also rewarded for each

5. I teach my children good, I'm rewarded for all that I teach,
all that they practice and for all who do the same looking at my kids!

6. I read a word of Quran; I get ten times reward for each letter
of that word! (How much reward if we read a few pages everyday???? ?)

7. I begin anything with 'Bismillah' that action (good ones) of
mine is rewarded.

8. I wear my pant above my ankle, I'm rewarded.

9. I get rewarded for all the insult I take for wearing my pants
so! (More the criticism, heavier my balance on the day of judgment!!!)

10. I grow beard, I get rewarded.

11. I wear abaya and my friends copy me, I get rewarded for myself
and for what they do!

12. I delete mails concerning movies, film star, etc; I'm rewarded.

13. I 'think' of doing a good deed, I'm rewarded.

14. I do that good deed, I'm ten times rewarded!!!

15. I get sawab for all the bad, un-Islamic programs I never see on TV.

16. I get rewarded for all the bad songs & music I never hear! (And
just think how many songs are there 2day!)

17. I bother to read an Islamic message, I'm rewarded.

18. I bother to send such an msg, I'm rewarded.

19. I get rewarded for all the people I send it to! (Hey all I do is

20. I get Much more sawaab if I act according to the msg! (after
confirming it's the truth)

21. If I bother to confirm, find out if it's authentic? I get rewarded!

22. What if other people act according to what I sent? I get rewarded
for all good they get rewarded for

(life time reward!!!!!! !!!)

23. And what if those people forward it to other people and it goes
on? I keep getting reward for as long as it's circulated! (Reward even
after my death!!!)

24. Even if they just read and delete, I get rewarded!

25. I control my temper, I get rewarded.

26. I buy my kids chocolate, I get rewarded.

27. I buy a good Islamic cassette, I get rewarded.

28. We watch it together as a family, we get rewarded.

29. We act according to it, many, many times rewarded!!!! !!!!

30. I fear Allah and do not buy film CDs, I'm rewarded.

31. I do not go to Theatre, I'm rewarded.

32. I hold the glass with my right hand while drinking, I'm rewarded.

33. I go shopping dressed in Islamic way, I get rewarded.

34. I go to school/college/ work in proper clothing (Islamic way), I
get rewarded as many times as all the male/ female who do not cover
themselves properly!!!! !!

35. I write this, I get rewarded.

36. You read this, you get rewarded.

37. You mail this to all, we all get rewarded!!!! !!!!!! Subhanallah!

I have only mentioned little things…think of all the sawab u will
(Insha Allah) get for praying, fasting, Hajj, preaching, spreading
Islam……??????? SUBHANALLAH! !!!!!!





Lahowla wolakuvatha illa billa!

May Allah make us all the winners of His Jannathul Firdous!



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